Sunday 4 January 2015


While skimming through the posts on FB today I came across this one from Breakthrough Breast Cancer charity and I must admit I felt furious! They were basically saying that there is no evidence that broccoli can fight cancer. They said "the real story here is that a chemical found in broccoli has been used to develop drug molecule which plans to be tested on cancer patients".  They then said that this chemical, which by the way is sulforaphane, in it's natural form has been shown to kill cancer cells in lab experiments. Well natural form, to me, would be in cruciferous vegetables i.e. broccoli. But the part that really threw me over the edge was "so yes, a chemical which happens to be found in broccoli has the potential to treat cancer, but eating the stuff probably won't do anything".  Can you believe it! They may as well have said just continue eating your unhealthy diets as eating healthy vegetables won't do anything for you (eating broccoli raw, juicing it or chopping it up half an hour before cooking, will help you to get all the benefits of the vegetable). I know I may have simplified their article as they were discussing the instability of the chemical, but as I said above there are ways round this.
This to me is all that is wrong in the world today. While we see cancer, obesity, heart disease and diabetes hit epidemic levels we are given incorrect nutritional advise from those that are out to make a quick buck from our chronic ill health. The meat and dairy institutions along with other large corporations ensure that their interests are protected by sitting on nutritional advisory boards. Big pharma and many cancer charities work alongside each other to tell us a miracle drug is just around the corner. You are told, just keep doing what you are doing, there is a drug on the way to sort it for you! We are kept ignorant in our ill health by the lies fed to us on a daily basis.
There is PLENTY of scientific evidence out there to indicate that eating a wholefoods, plant based diet will suspend, reverse and in many cases, cure the top diseases that have become reached epidemic proportions in today's Western society. WE, YOU, US need to reclaim our own power. Do some research yourself into your diet and if you have one, your disease. Let us stop waiting on our doctors telling us what to do as few of them are educated in correct nutritional practises for optimum health. Let us stop waiting on big pharma coming up with that miracle is just not profitable for them. 

and this is what US medical staff think about their nutritional education

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