Sunday 13 July 2014

Moving forward

It's been difficult I have to be honest, but I have reached the end of the chemotherapy sessions at last! I really wasn't sure if I'd make it to the end as session five was so gruesome. The nursing and medical staff were great and really tried to accommodate me as much as possible. Dr Scott's parting words were kind and supportive advising that if I couldn't go ahead with the last treatment, to not beat myself up too much, I had done well. But it was the words of Theresa, my lovely new friend and a breast cancer survivor too, that gave me the strength and courage to walk through the doors of that oncology department for the last time. Over a lovely brunch, Theresa simply said "if it was me, I would be trying to maximise my chances." She doesn't know that her words rattled about my brain for the next week, gently persuading me to do it anyway.
I'm now at day 12. The nausea is waning away. I feel my strength slowly returning.
On Friday I got three tattoos! But not of the regular image kind...3 tiny dots to mark radiotherapy treatment areas. It won't be long until I start daily treatments. I believe it makes you tired and your skin can get sore, but after the nausea I have had, I'm less worried about it.
It feels great to join the land of the living again! Going for lovely walks, out for shopping, meeting friends, out for a nice meal, a walk along the beach...heaven!

from this...
                              to this!

On a final note, the musical that my sister has written to raise breast cancer awareness, is now racing ahead in it's production. Tickets are now on sale. It will be amazing so have a look at the link and grab yourself a great night at the theatre!

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