Sunday 27 May 2018

A New Dawn

Four years ago my life was rocked from deep within its foundations. The me that was, began a transformational journey that I hadn't planned on taking, and if you'd asked me if I wanted to go on this journey back then I'd have told you firmly and politely, no thanks.
But I'm here now, I have arrived to a new place and I am loving it. The old me really did need a good, firm kick up the backside, I just couldn', didn't want to...see it. Changing what I ate, taking excellent supplements, cleaning my environment and body of as many pollutants as I could, exercising and taking a calmer, more mindful approach has truly helped me to heal.

My new way is more compassionate and gentle and I have found a growing awareness and community that feels the same. I have also persuaded my family to join me on my travels and they are happy with the changes they have made too. I am sure there are plenty of people that will roll their eyes every time I use a #vegan but you know what? I don't care!

I'm still learning and making mistakes and that is good. I love learning and I believe that it is a necessary way of life. Why compromise? Why put yourself into a box that has a limitation on what you can grow to be? Free yourself from the box, learn new things, new skills, stop following the herd. And above all, wake up!

So, what is this blog really about I hear you ask? Well it's about moving on. I turned 50 this month. It still shocks me when I say that out loud, but it is, what it is. I don't feel 50. My head and heart approach life from a 34 year old perspective. I probably chose this age because I believe it is the perfect age. Young enough to do, learn and be whatever you want, yet with a stable maturity. But the reality is, age really doesn't matter as long as you believe in yourself you can do what you want, when you want.

I feel ready to let this blog go now. It will be there for people that need it, in the same way that I needed to write it, so that they know they are not alone in their journey.  I know that it can feel very lonely along the way. But there is a silver lining, there really is, and it is up to each person with cancer, or a chronic illness, whether it is mental or physical to learn for themselves what that illness is trying to tell them and to listen carefully so that they can help themselves to heal and grow.

Believe in yourself.

ps look out for my new blog from the minaverse

Soup for the soul #vegan (of course)

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