Sunday 26 October 2014

Side effects and musicals

I said in my last blog that October would be busy and it has been. Kid's birthdays, parties and school holidays have had me running about like headless chicken. And believe me, I really feel headless. Or brainless to be more accurate. Chemobrain is a real side effect and it is becoming quite frustrating. I forget people's names, places, what I need to do and other important things. I am reading alot to keep my mind active, but things are still foggy. I am hoping that it improves over time.
Chemo has been finished for 3 months now but the effects of chemo are really far reaching and enduring. Each person responds differently, but I do feel that most will suffer the same symptoms that I have. I had my bloods done recently and thinking they would be completely normal, I was shocked to find that they are still on the low side, despite my healthy diet. It makes me scared to think about the damage that has been done. The surgery, the chemo, the radiation. I feel depleted. Was there another way?
I was too scared to try another way. I want to be here for my children and husband. I didn't want to let my family down, or worry them by trying something else. Our medical institutions don't give you an alternative's the big three. It's not doctor's faults, it is how they are the drug companies.  Don't take my word for it. Do some research into the history of how medicine came to be.
In America, not everyone has the money or the appropriate level of healthcare insurance to get the big three and have been turning to other ways to treat their cancer. For many it has been the best choice that they could have made. Many try raw nutrition, laetrile, detoxing, juicing, supplements, or a combination of these approaches and many more. And they are getting, excellent results without having to endure the barbaric big three. I too, would have preferred one of these routes...but as I said, I was too scared. Now I feel scared in another way. That the treatment I was given was so toxic and carcinogenic in itself, that I will never really be free from the worry. So I will continue on my anti cancer diet and look into the other approaches to keep me cancer free. 

And so the time has finally arrived, the YDNY musical is currently on at the Glasgow Mitchell Theatre. And it is wonderful. I am truly impressed by how professional a performance it is. It is funny, sad, happy, educational and inspiring. It has been a very exciting time for me as I have been helping out. Selling programmes, meeting crowdfunders, helping the cast to change costumes and assiting wherever I can...and watching the show too of course! I don't think that the last performance tonight will be the last we see of this wonderful musical. My sister has done a wonderful thing. Raised awareness, raised money and done it all through hard work and determination. I'm proud of my sister. She is really living her dream.

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