Sunday 13 April 2014

From under the stone

It's Day 5 post chemo. I'm surveying the wreck after the second round. I'm beginning to look like an extra from 'The Walking Dead'...god knows, I feel it! It was the same last round, on day 5 I could crawl out from under my stone and try to find some normality in this horribleness. So just in case you wonder what my blog would have looked like on those previous days here it is...
Wednesday Chemo Round 2
I felt pretty excited to be here as I'm getting new anti emetics and I'm told they are great in the land of chemo. The toxins were injected in as normal and I go home to wait. As expected, teatime, it starts. My head starts to buzz inside. My eyes feel sore as if the light is blinding and the waves of nausea are about to wash over me. It's best if I'm in bed I go leaving hubby to deal with kid's teas, etc.
And there it starts. The anti emetics are working, I'm not feeling like vomiting. I'm not feeling nausea. But the waves still come and I still feel hideously sick...there is no god!
Thursday Day 2
Tossing and turning in bed, no position can relieve this crappy feeling. I feel like I have stomach flu.  I want to crawl under a stone and not come out.
Friday Day 3
Forget it, I'm not coming out. I am however blessed by good friends who in turn whisk my son away and then my daughter. It is a relief not having to feel bad that I am having to ignore them during their holidays...thank you good friends x
Saturday Day 4
I manage to crawl from my stone to the sofa for a bit and later, as I head back to bed I can feel the chemical craze starting to ease...maybe tomorrow.
Sunday Day 5
I'm out. Still feeling pretty weak but the 'stomach flu' feeling has eased and I can begin to move towards feeling more normal. Normal is wonderful! Be glad to feel normal...I do!


  1. you're only human but you are ALSO WONDER WOMAN! Get the cuffs on....

  2. :-( sounds horrid, but each time you feel sick it is a step closer to getting better! Lots of love x x
