Move over Demi!
I stood in the shower watching the clumps of hair just washing down from my head over my body to the plug hole. I expected it...but it was still a shock to see so much. I tried to dry and style my hair carefully but every brush, every iron, saw handfuls slipping out. I spent the day picking hair from my did my family. On Saturday, I looked into the mirror knowing it had to go. I couldn't go another day wondering if one large gust of wind would leave me standing bald and embarrassed! The appointment was set. I was set...I thought! It is a hard decision to make...shaving your head. Was I jumping the gun? Should I wait longer...try some comb overs? It's worked for Donald Trump and the Baldy Man for years!

I sat in the chair, the door was locked, no-one was coming in! I quietly voiced my concerns...was I doing this too soon...should I wait longer...keep me, being me just for a while more? But Kylie could see I hated the hair falling out, I hated that I couldn't colour it (and it sooo needed coloured) and with a few words I knew I was doing the right thing. She said what I needed to hear. She said that this was ME taking control...not the bloody chemotherapy! I chose the time, and I was doing it before feeling that I had had no other choice!

So it was done...
I can't lie, a few tears were shed when I thought about how my children would feel. But like the diagnosis, like the surgery, like the need for chemotherapy, I have to move to a place of acceptance. It's another step forward in this process, in this journey.
Kylie's job was done. I looked in the mirror and yes I looked like me again!
Your hair looks beautiful Marina and I'm sure you look lovely without it too :-) your blog is really well written, I am following it all the time x x
ReplyDeleteThank you Lauren x