Saturday 22 February 2014

A new day dawns

On my surgery day, Monday, my sister arrived at the crack of dawn to escort me to the hospital. She volunteered for the pitiful task, probably worried that I would chicken out and stand up the consultant  and her scary scalpel. My nerves helped me to forget my pangs of hunger while I fasted. I had an MRI and waited for what seemed an age. But then they came for me. I walked behind my bed into the theatre reception. I thought about how weird it was, walking to surgery, when I had to go in a chair for tests. The theatre staff were professional but emphatic and I was sent into a deep slumber with ease. The rest of Monday was just a blur with images of waking briefly to go back to the ward and for observations. It was done.

My stay in hospital although brief was frustrating. I didn't want the drains in and I wanted to be home (I had very little discomfort, in fact I only took ibuprofen and paracetamol to reduce inflammation and ensure that I felt ok.) My consultant was revered by her colleagues and while she was absent on Wednesday, no-one would make a decision to override her instructions, so I was stuck in another day. Finally, on Thursday she arrived after lunch. I cried when she suggested only taking out one drain and sending me home, but my begging worked, and she relented to taking them both out.

I awoke on Friday after a great sleep and feeling more positive than I had in a while. I had, had great support (still do) from my fantastic husband who had stepped up to the mark and played mum and dad while I was away. He even did the housework! My sister has been a rock from before diagnosis and being there for me through it all despite having reconstruction surgery herself.  My close friends (you know who you are) have been there when I needed to talk, shown me that I am not alone (I'm not the best at accepting help!) and showered me with flowers and even food while in hospital! I am blessed and grateful. It means more to me as I don't have parents to lean on that my family and friends have been there for me...thank you!

1 comment:

  1. You are VERY BRAVE Wonder WOman! You will beat this! I've got your back! love Supergirl xxx
