Friday 28 February 2014

The peace of emptiness

If you had told me at Christmas that by the end of February I would have a positive diagnosis for breast cancer, have a mutated gene and have undergone breast surgery not to mention a whole barrage of tests, I would have told you that you had a case of mistaken identity. As I said before, I wholeheartedly believed that I would not fall victim to cancer...I was and felt healthy (still do). Nevertheless, I have moved through denial, grief and into a weird sense of acceptance. What else is there left to do. If I don't accept I'll end up feeling negative, stressed and angry and that won't lead me to heal. I need to move forward and heal.
Walking my dog has been a great source of therapy. The country roads quiet and beautiful. Before all of this my head was full of stuff...what I needed to do, worry about stuff, money, family, children. But now, there is nothing. The diagnosis eclipsed all the stuff I used to worry about and now that I have reached acceptance there is a strange sense of stillness...a peace in the emptiness of my mind that I have never experienced before.

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