Thursday 13 March 2014

A glimpse of the silver lining

I attended another appointment today. A different speciality, same face now so familiar the staff are calling me by my first name. The usual one hour plus waiting time (which has been the norm for every consultant led clinic) was less stressful. I wasn't there for bad news or pathology results but to discuss the future of my gynaecological parts. Despite having my notes in front of her, the doctor was surprised to learn of my run in with the big 'C' especially as it hadn't been so long since the genetics referral.  I'll need to wait a tad longer before my ovaries (and more than likely my uterus too) will be removed...just in case (thankfully I had made full use of mine). This nasty little BRCA gene has a lot to answer for! 

This afternoon I also caught a glimpse of the silver was in the form of a very likeable and interesting woman. Our lives are going to overlap for a while and I like the idea. I like it when a stranger comes into your life and it feels right. We discussed the future and how it was an uncertain road...not one that I would have chosen on the map..but some things are meant to be.

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