Sunday 23 March 2014

How to lose the best part of a week

A large projectile vomit into the loo on Wednesday night, told me the chemo was doing it job. Two more smaller ones later and I went to bed deflated and tired. I made sure that I took the anti-emetics and steroids to stop the nausea and vomiting and although I had no more up close and personal meetings with the toilet bowl, the nausea was reminiscent of my pregnancy days and hyper-emesis. Thursday and Friday was spent feeling nauseous and listless and bed was my favourite place. Saturday and today, although my mouth tastes like the bottom of a budgie cage, I am starting to feel more normal. I am now eating for Scotland! My healthier eating plan has been casually tossed to one side and I am doing all I can to put some weight on. I knew that I would need to do that, survival is key here! But it's great eating what the hell I want without thinking of the consequences! I'm looking like a sack of bones just now so bring on the plain chocolate digestives and whatever else I can forage in the kitchen cupboards.

1 comment:

  1. eat some for me sis! you need the weight! one down! wooohoooo
