Wednesday 26 March 2014

"Cover your mouth!"

...are the words I'm endlessly repeating to my 6 year old daughter as she coughs and splutters her way into the room. As parents these are things we will often say to our children to be polite, teach manners and to prevent spread of germs. Never more have these words been more important than at this current time to me. I'm at day 8 of my 1st chemo cycle and the drugs are successfully reducing the number of blood cells in my body. When white blood cells are lowered your immunity to disease is weakened and you are at risk of serious infection. Coming into contact with someone with a common cold or sore throat can quite easily put you in hospital. Sounds dramatic but sadly true. I'm now looking at both my children as if they are carriers of the Bubonic plague! I'm covering my nose as I walk past someone sneezing in the store,  I'm scanning people to see if they have any bugs before I step closer to them and it's now harder to get into my house than Fort Knox! I'm becoming neurotic - well more than usual!

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